Thursday, July 26, 2007

"My most valuable thing."

In the morning we exercise with my friends. And as i wake up early, i remembered my friends birthday. And before i go in school i receive a text came from my friend. And he text me that "sol" after you gone at school, you may proceed in my house at 5pm sharp. A while ago i remembered that my parents has gave me a 500 for buying a fresh of flowers to put in our altar.

So, if arrive in my friends b-day 1st. I cannot buy a fresh new flower. Then after of class in the afternoon. I 1st buy a fresh new flower, Then i will go in my friends house. And that's my most valuable thing. Why i have choose this kind of valuable thing it is because this is the 1st that remembered in my life. And the most exciting............

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Look what in the future

My experienced @ UIC during examination is i dont what is the process during exam her @ UIC. In the first day in my exam i was so nervous because i study very well and the problem is when i answer the test paper i cannot answer it because so many minded problems during the lesson. And obviosly you are tired.

And my looking forward during in the midterm exam is to understand and be an observance person. And know what are the activities and process her at school. The most important is be friendly person, so that anytime you approach them they can help in your problems and teach you how to make that and that. And dat's all


First why i choose this my blog title teagames boy it is because when i surf in the internet i always type in the adrress bar and when i open this i will automatically play my favorite games motor cross. And i enjoyed to play it., Well my friends also called me teagames boy because everytime when they see me they could "teagamesboy"

And sometimes my friends could me "wikimapia boy" desame as when i surf to internet i'd like to see the map of the world. During in my 2nd week in the UIC, everytime when i have a vacant time, I will go in the profiling lab, which is i can explore anything and do a research work, when the teacher told us to research ds, like dat. And until now i alwayz go in the profiling lab and explore anything.

My experiences

First........I choose teagames boy because when I surf in internet i always play this site. And my friends could me teagames boy

Second...... My experienced during the examination is very nervous because I dont know what are the process here during exam and my look forward for the coming midterm examination' at least I know the process during exam her @ UIC.